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February 2, 2021

Here’s a #SilverBug’s view of the #SilverSqueeze $SLV $PSLV

The main issue with the COMEX is that, on average, they allow sales of 200x daily production almost every day. The COMEX was setup to allow hedging of production. You know, you are a wheat farmer and you want to hedge your production. Well, for most commodities, this is 125% daily production. Yesterday, you saw price go up $2, then smacked down $2 on approximately NINE HUNDRED DAYS PRODUCTION "UP FOR SALE" IN A DAY.

Here's a #SilverBug's view of the #SilverSqueeze

Why the silver longs, and Eric Sprott, can defeat the silver shorts – an education in 4D chess

Worldwide silver shortage. Bullion stores sold out for weeks, if not months. No one selling their product to them for spot price. Bullion priced $10-$13 over spot. Silver deficit of mine supply of 350 million ounces.

And of course, you expect to wake up at silver $2 less than a day before. Actually – I did, many of you did not. The price is actually in "contango", where the futures price the last time I checked is wayyyyy above spot. I know how they play this game. At issue here is the disconnect between the REAL physical price and the "paper" price.

When you see a contango like this, you can, in essence, sell a futures contract, then go to the spot market and buy silver. You can then deliver the product on the futures contract. This contango was $.75 a few minutes ago, per ounce. For a contract of $5,000 ounces, that is $3,750 you can pocket on this deal. Of issue, NO ONE will do this, because anyone trying to buy on the spot market may get months of delays to get product.

Yet, prices are falling because we obviously have all of this supply!!!

February 1, 2021

#Roxgold $ROXG Returns #HighGrade #Gold At New Prospect at #Boussoura, 10.7m at 5.6 g/t Au, 5m at 17.0 g/t Au, incl. 2m at 40.9 g/t Au, 8m at 7.4 g/t Au

#Fofora – Fofora Main

  • 10.7m at 5.6 g/t Au in drill hole BSR-20-RD-FFR-106 from 103m including
    • 1m at 27.4 g/t Au from 103m
  • 3.9m at 14.4 g/t Au in drill hole BSR-20-RD-FFR-107 from 96.4m including
    • 1m at 52.3 g/t Au from 97.8m
  • 15.0m at 1.9 g/t Au in drill hole BSR-20-RC-FFR-100 from 82m
  • 18.9m at 1.3 g/t Auin drill hole BSR-20-RC-FFR-98 from 112m

Fofora – VC2

  • 5m at 17.0 g/t Au in drill hole BSR-20-RC-FFR-142 from 59m including
    • 2m at 40.9 g/t Au from 60m
  • 8m at 7.4 g/t A
See the whole news release here:


The #SilverSqueeze is ON! $SLV

The #RedditTraders are all-in on #Silver! +10% for a start!
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