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Showing posts with label Mining. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mining. Show all posts

April 29, 2024

Desperately Seeking #Copper

We've known #Copper Production from existing mines has been set to fall sharply in the coming years, but it's just now we're realizing that, the "coming years" of the past, is today's present and immediate future… 😳
Miners need to spend more than

April 17, 2024

#Copper: Higher, Harder, Longer

It's getting harder & more expensive to get #Copper out of the ground

Great report from Bloomberg on the difficulties facing the #Mining industry in meeting the growing need for more Copper.

After more than a century of commercial production at Chile's Chuquicamata reduced the amount of ore that can profitably be extracted from surface, two decades ago state-run Codelco began drawing up plans to build a modern underground mine at the site to tap the riches deep below. The company originally envisioned a $2 billion investment. By the time its board signed off on the project in 2014, the budget had risen to $4.2 billion. At the time of the 2019 ribbon-cutting, it had climbed to $5.5 billion. The latest estimate, including related infrastructure, is $7 billion, making it the biggest outlay Codelco's history.

Those obstacles can drain miners' enthusiasm for new projects. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. estimates the industry needs to spend


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