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Showing posts with label coal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coal. Show all posts

July 25, 2024

King #Coal

Coal is Alive & Kicking

Despite all the solar panels, windmills, EV’s and government subsidies to go green, the world has never used as much coal.

Under current trends, coal demand will be higher in 2050 than it was in 2000.

March 15, 2018

May 23, 2011

Mongolia, the next commodity powerhouse (?)

Mongolia is going to be a major future supplier of commodities from coal through gold to copper – and maybe even crude oil. But how soon will this landlocked country with a population of 3m really begin delivering these resources to the world in a significant, market-moving way?

While at first Mongolia seemed to be the poster child for liberalization, in the last several years that has changed as the population has demanded a larger share of the resource bonanza to come - Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto's Copper-Gold behemoth, Oyu Tolgoi, being the headline project. While justifiable to a certain degree, in reality it has meant many of the mining projects on the drawing board have been delayed. The China issue remains a particularly prickly subject, as the FT notes in the article below,

Although Mongolia is located right next to its biggest customer, China, their history of rivalry makes Mongolia suspicious of its southern neighbour. And capricious politics – parliament has tried to oust Dashdorj Zorigt, minister for mineral resources and energy, twice this year – mean that economic logic is sometimes subordinate to politics or nationalism.

April 6, 2011

Coal ETFs burn bright - Commodities News and Market Data
April 06, 2011
ETFs linked to the coal industry have seen an upsurge in interest following the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan and flooding in Queensland which has disrupted coal production in Australia.

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