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Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts

April 17, 2020

Dislocation of #Gold Markets Continues

The disconnect has remained wide as some of the world's largest banks, which are also the top gold dealers, have grown wary. Even though there is now plenty of time to get metal to New York for June delivery, the wild moves of recent weeks, and the potential for coronavirus-induced logistical headaches, have increased the perceived riskiness of trading the two markets.

"I would guess that the risk managers are not allowing these big positions to be run," said John Reade, chief market strategist at the World Gold Council. "It's moved from a concern about availability and transferability of metal to one of risk appetite."

June 4, 2012

Why should I Buy Britain’s #Gold Back? | The Daily Gold

The aim of the campaign is, in short, to get individuals to buy back their share of the gold which Gordon Brown sold. We hope to show that gold investment is entirely accessible. For instance, to buy back your share of the gold which Gordon Brown sold, it would cost you less than £500 (at current gold prices).
But why should you care? Why should you buy gold bullion?

Read the Comment below:

Why should I Buy Britain’s Gold Back?

Posted MAY 30 2012 by JAN SKOYLES in 

This month, The Real Asset Company announced the launch of a new campaign to Buy Britain’s Gold Back.

The aim of the campaign is, in short, to get individuals to buy back their share of the gold which Gordon Brown sold. We hope to show that gold investment is entirely accessible. For instance, to buy back your share of the gold which Gordon Brown sold, it would cost you less than £500 (at current gold prices).

But why should you care? Why should you buy gold bullion?

Well, it’s all very well saying that it isn’t our fault that 395 tonnes of gold was sold over a decade ago, and so we should get the government to buy it back. But, as one MP pointed out to me, the government doesn’t have any money. They are running around shouting about the need for austerity, so they’re not likely to see it as a positive move for them to be spending £13 billion on an asset which does not, in the short term, directly impact the electorate.
As recent events have shown, politicians and their economists aren’t great at predicting what the best remedy for this situation is. This isn’t so surprising considering that it was their policies and election friendly spending which got us into the financial crisis.
The problem is, worryingly, that the majority of politicians don’t even truly understand how the monetary system works but they believe they can fix it with yet more debt, achieved through money printing – the medicine which placed the UK as the West’s most leveraged nation in the first place.
The Real Asset Co believes it is time to start taking our money back into our own hands in placing it outside of the banking system in an asset which is tested and proven as the best store of value during financial crises.

What is money?

Money is no longer what our ancestors referred to as money. Our money today is supported by nothing except confidence in the government. Your notes which read ‘I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of…’ is just there as a throwback to when the British pound was backed by gold and silver. One hundred years ago, an individual knew that their paper note was a true reflection of the gold which was in the bank.
Now, our money really does grow on trees – it is paper.
The apparent ‘beauty’ of paper money, or fiat money, is that it can be created at will; a feature which is escalated by the electronic banking system.
Some argue that the strength of having a currency which is not backed by gold enables us to grow faster as a nation, increases living standards and it allows us to make huge leaps in science and technology.
Governments like this type of money as it means more can be created (in various ways) in order to fund projects such as new roads or increase benefits.
It sounds very pleasant, and like something which benefits everyone, but our paper money is unfortunately a tried and failed experiment. No money, which is not backed by gold or silver in the bank, has ever succeeded. Money has only been in its current form since 1971, before this it was pegged to gold in one way or another.
When money is pegged to a finite and rare commodity, such as gold, then there is a limit on how fast wealth can be accumulated, how quickly spending can be carried out and most importantly, a limit to how much one can spend.
When the Bank of England announced that they were going to embark on quantitative easing, the general public were left feeling confused. After all, we were all taught at school, from our history books, that the money printing in Germany led to devastating consequences.
The problem we have now is that the majority of people believe that we need more money in order to create wealth. If this were the case then Zimbabwe would be the wealthiest nation and we would be kowtowing to Mugabe’s demands.
Each time more money is printed then the value of that currency is devalued significantly. The stock of money since the link to gold was broken has increased several times over. Since 1967, the pound has lost 90% of its value, in America the dollar has lost 97% of its value.

But what does this have to do with you?

Several studies show that gold has maintained its purchasing power since the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Not only this, but in times of economic distress gold has proven itself as a far better wealth preserver than other assets one normally places their money in.
The most simple explanation for the pound’s loss of purchasing power is the continued devaluation through inflationary policies implemented by governments in the latter half of the 20th Century.
In the UK, there is now £1.1 trillion on deposit, but there are a plethora of complex and confusing products offered to savers. Sadly it is easier to apply for a credit card, with 0% interest, than it is to apply for a long-term savings account.
The quantitative easing programme currently being carried out by the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee is designed to help boost the economy and help to keep individuals spending and companies investing. The bank rate has been ‘maintained’ at 0.5% since March 2009, the same time Quantitative Easing began.
This is all very well but unfortunately it’s no good for savers. The current level of inflation means that many savers will now be experiencing a negative rate of return on their savings. £41.8 billion a year is confiscated from pensioners and savers as a result of this. The Centre for Economic and Business Research estimate the bank rate will stay this way until 2016.
At present your money whether sat in your purse, piggy bank or your bank account is subject to decisions made by politicians and bankers, who we have so far seen, do not have the interests of long-term savers at heart.
By buying back that small amount of gold which Gordon Brown sold, just 13,3g per individual you are looking after your money, it’s in your control and it’s the most precious thing in the world – gold.
You have to choose between trusting to the natural stability of gold and the natural stability of the honesty and intelligence of the members of the government. And, with due respect to these gentlemen, I advise you, as long as the capitalist system lasts, to vote for gold.” George Bernard Shaw
Buy Britain’s Gold Back!

Please Note: Information published here is provided to aid your thinking and investment decisions, not lead them. You should independently decide the best place for your money, and any investment decision you make is done so at your own risk. Data included here within may already be out of date.
About the Author
Jan SkoylesJan first became interested in precious metals and sound money when she met Ned Naylor-Leyland whilst working at Cheviot Asset Management in the summer of 2010. Jan then went on to write her undergraduate dissertation on the use of precious metals in the monetary system. After graduating from university Jan joined The Real Asset Co research desk and now contributes to the Cobden Centre, The Commentator, The Renegade Economist and Market Oracle.View all posts by Jan Skoyles →

Why should I Buy Britain’s Gold Back? | The Daily Gold

February 16, 2012

Special report: For Iran oil trader, Western ties run deep | Reuters

Special report: For Iran oil trader, Western ties run deep

9:16am EST
By Emma Farge, Chris Vellacott and Stephen Grey
LONDON (Reuters) - The newspaper notice sat next to advertisements for tarot-card readings, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and children's tap-dancing lessons. The Naftiran Intertrade Company, an oil-trading firm owned by the Iranian government, announced plans to close its registered headquarters in the British tax haven of Jersey and move to a tax haven in Asia.
That advertisement, in a Jersey newspaper last September, came as Iranian companies were stepping up efforts to get around Western sanctions designed to slow or stop Iran's nuclear program. But the Iranian oil trader's retreat from the West has been only a partial one.
Reuters has learned that on February 1, Naftiran Intertrade increased its holding in British oil giant BP Plc by 1.85 million shares. It now holds a stake worth more than $190 million.
In addition to the shareholding, the Iranian company's ties to BP include the Rhum gas field in the North Sea, a venture that's now suspended due to sanctions. It also has active projects like a gas field with BP in Azerbaijan, and an investment with Royal Dutch Shell in fuel distribution in Senegal.
An examination of the operations of Naftiran Intertrade, or NICO as it is known, shows just how difficult it is for Western companies to untangle their ties with Iran. NICO is under pressure to leave Europe, but it has a web of assets, joint ventures and relationships with Western firms that will likely prove difficult and expensive for either side to break.
A spokesman at BP said the company would not comment on individual shareholders. "However we regularly review and take legal advice to ensure our compliance with sanctions legislation. We remain confident that BP is in full compliance with all applicable sanctions regimes including UN, EU regulations and US law, and will remain in compliance," he said. "We continue to monitor the situation closely."
NIOC and NICO did not respond to requests for comment.
SPECIAL REPORT-Iran's cat-and-mouse game on sanctions:
SPECIAL REPORT-For Iran oil trader, Western ties run deep in PDF:
Graphic showing changes to IRISL fleet over past four years:
NICO jumped from Jersey before it was pushed. The firm, which is essentially the offshore arm of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), dissolved its base on the Channel isle on January 8 with a "certificate of continuance" that indicated it would move to the tax haven of Labuan, an island off the coast of Malaysia.
"The company decided it would be best to move their business elsewhere," said a person close to the Jersey government. "They were aware of government concerns. They had very close links to the Iranian regime, a bit too close."
A spokesman for Jersey's financial regulator JFSC declined to comment.
NICO has been under U.S. sanctions since 2008, deemed an entity "owned or controlled by the Government of Iran." It had moved its headquarters to Jersey from London in 1991, after decades of operations in Britain in the days before Iran's Islamic revolution and "long before the days when (Britain) grew a conscience," as one veteran oil trader put it.
The National Iranian Oil Company relies on NICO as an important source of foreign exchange. If NICO was to shut altogether, analysts say, it would starve the NIOC of cash and put it at the mercy of Iran's squabbling political elites and clerics.
"NICO is a way for the National Iranian Oil Company to raise capital without having to rely on budget allocations approved by the Iranian government," said Valerie Marcel, an associate fellow at think tank Chatham House and an expert in nationally owned oil companies.
To get around the sanctions, NICO uses offshore financial havens and a web of asset and industrial holdings in the West. While it was based in Jersey, the firm operated through a "service company" based in Switzerland. But even there, in a country that has not yet signed up to the trade sanctions against Iran, the company's future could be in doubt.
Tucked behind a pebble beach on Lake Geneva in Pully, a chic suburb of Lausanne, NICO's remaining active European base is housed in a five-storey glass and marble office block. The office was set up in 2002 after the company moved its oil trading and energy investment activities to Switzerland from London.
A profile page on professional networking website LinkedIn states that NICO's Swiss office has between 11-50 employees; one of those workers posted that the firm's annual trading profit was $23 billion, although this figure could not be independently verified.
NICO's Swiss base has played a key role in maintaining an international presence beyond the reach of Western powers seeking to choke it, say oil traders familiar with its operations.
Switzerland is neutral and not a member of the European Union. It is also divided into semi-autonomous 'cantons' which compete with each other to attract companies and are often reluctant to interfere in their affairs.
Officials in the canton of Vaud, which contains Lausanne, said they saw no reason for NICO to leave.
"It's not because of cowardice or indifference, it's just that we don't have the authority or the right to have a position on foreign policy," said an official in the canton's department for economic development.
That could change. Switzerland tends to copy sanctions passed by its largest trade partner, the European Union, and trade experts think that it will eventually pass a law aimed at curtailing the "import, purchase or transport" of Iranian oil.
But even then, pressure on NICO's Swiss hub could be blunted by the realities of Switzerland's special status as a neutral nation in international affairs, as well as a variety of loopholes.
A former Swiss diplomat now working in Brussels said that "the general plan has been for Switzerland to try to converge on what the EU does, but Iran is a case of its own."
Historically, Switzerland has helped the U.S. in its relations with Iran, he said. "I think the Swiss will be extremely careful about taking any decision on this matter. The overriding concern is the representation of U.S. interests and Switzerland's role as a go-between although this has been a difficult undertaking for years."
To avoid creating a loophole in the EU sanctions regime "the trading functions (of Iranian companies) could be moved elsewhere," he said.
NICO's roots in Europe are deep. Its former European hub in London is a sparsely occupied seven-floor building a few doors down from New Scotland Yard and within sight of Westminster Abbey. It still belongs to parent company NIOC, according to Land Registry documents.


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