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Showing posts with label HFT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HFT. Show all posts

May 1, 2015

#Gold Manipulators Busted After @ZeroHedge Report On Flagrant Gold #Spoofing


Gold Manipulators Busted After Zero Hedge Report On Flagrant Gold Spoofing

















Gold Manipulators Busted After Zero Hedge Report On Flagrant Gold Spoofing | Zero Hedge

October 15, 2013

Mysterious #Gold Seller Is Back With Periodic High Volume Slams, Fails To Break Market @ZeroHedge #HFT

Unlike on the two prior occasions when the "mysterious" (coughBIScough) gold seller sold so much gold he briefly broke the gold market not once but twice, this morning's concerted gold selling episodes, which briefly took gold to a three month low, were unable to obliterate the entire bid stack (at least for now)
Mysterious Gold Seller Is Back With Periodic High Volume Slams, Fails To Break Market
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/15/2013 10:50 -0400
Unlike on the two prior occasions when the "mysterious" (coughBIScough) gold seller sold so much gold he briefly broke the gold market not once but twice, this morning's concerted gold selling episodes, which briefly took gold to a three month low, were unable to obliterate the entire bid stack (at least for now) and crush enough liquidity to force the CME to announce another "stop logic" 10-20 second trading halt.
However, there were some other peculiarities surrounding today's now recurring morning gold battering (which as we noted in a market where the CME no longer supervises any and all manipulation, were and are certain to continue). Specifically, what is curious is that starting at 3:48 am Eastern Time, Nanex found "six instances (there may be more) of 1 second periods in Gold futures with a high number of trades (700 or more)." As those who have been covering our coverage of HFT manipulation will note, these are precisely the kinds of momentum ignition, and not rational price discovery, events that seek to manipulate prevailing prices lower (or higher). The good news is that as everyone knows, aside from equity, electricity, FX, libor, aluminum, and credit derivative markets (in just the case of JPM) gold is never manipulated: Blythe Masters promised. So there's that.


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