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Showing posts with label comex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comex. Show all posts

April 17, 2020

Dislocation of #Gold Markets Continues

The disconnect has remained wide as some of the world's largest banks, which are also the top gold dealers, have grown wary. Even though there is now plenty of time to get metal to New York for June delivery, the wild moves of recent weeks, and the potential for coronavirus-induced logistical headaches, have increased the perceived riskiness of trading the two markets.

"I would guess that the risk managers are not allowing these big positions to be run," said John Reade, chief market strategist at the World Gold Council. "It's moved from a concern about availability and transferability of metal to one of risk appetite."

January 7, 2019

MainStreet is Super Bullish On #Gold. What Happened Last Time they were this Bullish?

Sentiment among traders has turned openly bullish on gold, Anna Golubova writes.

Kitco’s latest Wall Street versus Main Street gold survey revealed that Main Street might be overly bullish on gold prices this week, with nearly 80% of individuals polled saying they expect gold prices to rise after briefly hitting the $1,300 mark last week.

Last time Main Street was this bullish was April 12, when 84% of individuals polled called for higher prices.  That was one day after gold prices had peaked on April 11 at $1,385.40, with futures beginning their prolonged decline that lasted roughly until mid-October. February Comex gold futures were last trading at $1289.60, up 0.30% on the day.

“Most veteran market watchers know the old saying that most of the  general investing public is wrong on their notions of markets’ price  direction most of the time. The fact that ‘Main Street’ is so bullish on gold prices at present does suggest the gold market has the potential a significant downside correction soon,” Kitco’s senior technical analyst Jim Wyckoff said.

Other analysts pointed out that such bullish sentiment coming from Main Street is a sign that gold is finally looking ready to break through its psychological resistance of $1,300 an ounce.

Are we in store for another decline in gold just around the corner?

See the article on Kitco:  Is Main Street Overly Bullish On Gold? And What Does That Mean For Prices? | Kitco News



May 1, 2015

#Gold Manipulators Busted After @ZeroHedge Report On Flagrant Gold #Spoofing


Gold Manipulators Busted After Zero Hedge Report On Flagrant Gold Spoofing

















Gold Manipulators Busted After Zero Hedge Report On Flagrant Gold Spoofing | Zero Hedge

October 15, 2014

July 31, 2013

#Gold: The short interest in $GLD right now is incredibly high

It’s roughly 30 million shares, and the shareholder count keeps contracting.  
The shareholder count is down to just over 300 million shares, so the short interest is roughly 10%.

The shareholder count keeps contracting because the physical gold keeps getting redeemed....
Gold Market To See Largest Short Squeeze In Modern History


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