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Showing posts with label Warren Buffett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warren Buffett. Show all posts

October 2, 2019

#Gold’s price, is a key “signal amid the increasing noise of macroeconomic data.”

"Gold prices have been given little airtime in discussions of "serious" investment strategy. But even if you have no intention of considering an allocation to gold, there is a value in keeping an eye on the price, as it can be an interesting signal amid the increasing noise of macroeconomic data."
"Even when it is strengthening, the gold price is surprising. To the extent gold is an alternative store of value to the US dollar, it would be expected to move in the opposite direction to the currency. But recently it has been making material gains despite a strengthening dollar. Signs that the gold price is defying conventional wisdom suggest we should dig a little deeper."

Read today's opinion piece in the FT:

Why Buffett is wrong to dismiss the benefits of gold

Yellow metal provides a useful indication of economic expectations

Warren Buffett's group reported a staggering cash balance of $122bn
Warren Buffett's group reported a staggering cash balance of $122bn © AP
Legendary investor Warren Buffett's much-quoted dismissal of the investment merits of gold is simple: the metal is "neither of much use nor procreative." But the Oracle of Omaha has got this wrong. Gold is constantly offering useful insights, if you look closely enough...


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