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September 10, 2020

#Gold’s Performance Continues To Be Stellar With Returns of 20-32% Across All Major Currencies

As of the beginning of September, #Gold is up by a wide margin vs. all other asset classes. 

In USD +28%; GBP +30%. Even against the Mighty Swissy up +20%!

Gold Price Performance in USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY, AUD, CAD, CNY, INR, continues to Outperform vs. all major stock markets. 

See the Gold Price Performance Page

September 8, 2020

ORENINC #MiningStocks Financings Index up; brokered activity surges @tsx_tsxv

ORENINC INDEX up as brokered activity surges again

ORENINC INDEX up as brokered activity surges again

ORENINC INDEX - Monday, September 7th 2020

North America's leading junior mining finance data provider

Last Week: 62.90

This week: 79.69

The Oreninc Index  increased in the week ending September 4th, 2020 to 79.69 from 62.90 a week ago as brokered activity surged again.

On to the money:

Aggregate financings announced jumped to $135 million, a four-week high, which included nine brokered financings for $70.5 million, a two-week high, and two bought-deal financings for $52.5 million, a six-week high. The average offer size increased to $2.9 million, a two-week high, while the number of financings fell to 47.


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