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July 18, 2014

#Venezuela’s #oil diaspora: Brain haemorrhage #MasterEnergy @TheEconomist

Venezuela's loss is every other oil country's gain. Another story on the destruction of a country.

Brain haemorrhage

IN 2003 Venezuela’s then president, Hugo Chávez, fired more than 18,000 employees, almost half the workforce, of the state-run oil corporation, Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). Their offence was to have taken part in a strike (pictured) called in protest at the politicisation of the company. Their punishment was to be barred from jobs not only in PDVSA itself but also in any company doing business with the oil firm. The axe fell heavily on managers and technicians: around 80% of the staff at Intevep, PDVSA’s research arm, are thought to have joined the strike. At the stroke of a pen, Venezuela lost its oil intelligentsia.
It was a blow from which PDVSA has never recovered. The firm’s oil production has since stagnated (see chart), despite a big run-up in prices. The financial crisis bears some of the blame for that, as does the economic mismanagement of Chávez and, since last year, Nicolás Maduro. But the loss of skilled personnel was a huge handicap, hurting exploration and management. The Centre for Energy Orientation, a Venezuelan NGO, says the number of incapacitating injuries due to accidents at PDVSA rose from 1.8 per million man-hours in 2002 to 6.2 in 2012. At Pemex, Mexico’s state oil firm, the rate was 0.6 in 2012.
Venezuela’s loss was others’ gain. Not all of the former PDVSA employees stayed in the oil business; a minority chose to remain in Venezuela. But thousands went abroad—to the United States, Mexico and the Persian Gulf, and to farther-flung places like Malaysia and Kazakhstan.
Many headed to Alberta, in Canada, where the tar sands yield a residue that is similar to the heavy oil from the Orinoco belt, which Venezuela is struggling to develop. There were 465 Venezuelans in Alberta in 2001; by 2011 there were 3,860.
Pedro Pereira, who once headed PDVSA’s research into the processing of extra-heavy crude oil, came to Canada in order to set up a similar research team at the University of Calgary in Alberta. His work focuses on inventing and patenting new technologies to process Alberta’s crude. Three dozen Venezuelans have passed through the Calgary centre since its inception, around two-thirds of them as a direct result of the purge of 2003. All have gone on to work in the Canadian oil industry.
No country has benefited more from the Venezuelan exodus, however, than one next door. Colombia’s oil output was declining at the time of the purge, falling from 687,000 barrels a day (b/d) in 2000 to 526,000 five years later. Today, average daily production stands at around 1m b/d. Much of this renaissance is thanks to the Venezuelans.
Former PDVSA executives had been heading to Colombia even before the purge. (Luis Giusti, a former chairman who quit as soon as Chávez came to power in 1999, helped the Colombian government redesign its energy policies.) But it was the post-2003 influx that revolutionised the industry. All of a sudden, says Alejandro Martínez of the Colombian Petroleum Association, “Colombia was filled with real oilmen.” The Venezuelans had years of experience, lots of it spent abroad. They had an excellent technical heritage: PDVSA was created in the mid-1970s when the local subsidiaries of sophisticated firms like Exxon and Royal Dutch Shell were nationalised. They were also used to thinking big. “They did not shy away from projects that needed $2 billion in investments when for Ecopetrol [Colombia’s state oil firm] $50m was a big deal,” says Mr Martínez.
In 2007 Ronald Pantín, a former chairman of PDVSA Services, bought Colombia’s Meta Petroleum along with several partners. Meta operated the Campo Rubiales field in central Colombia, from which operators were then barely squeezing 14,000 b/d. Now it is the country’s largest producing oilfield, and Pacific Rubiales Energy, Meta’s owner, is the largest independent oil producer in Colombia. Humberto Calderón, a former Venezuelan oil minister, founded Vetra in 2003. Today the two firms account for more than a quarter of the country’s production.
Without the input of the Venezuelans “there is no way Colombia could have doubled its production in such a short time,” says Carlos Alberto López, an energy analyst. It was an “extraordinary coincidence” that Colombia carried out its reforms just as PDVSA’s managers were thrown out, oil prices soared and areas once under guerrilla control were made safer. “The timing couldn’t have been better,” says Mr López.
The prospects for enticing the diaspora back to Venezuela are poor. The expatriates have put down deep roots abroad, and the situation at home remains chaotic. PDVSA’s goal is for the Orinoco belt to be producing 4.6m b/d by 2019. But the oil is difficult to refine, and the huge investment required is hampered by the government’s insistence on overvaluing the bolívar. So far PDVSA has missed all its intermediate targets for Orinoco: by the end of 2013 it had reached 1.2m b/d, compared with a planned figure of 1.5m.
Welders, electricians and machine workers reportedly make three times as much helping with the expansion of Ecopetrol’s refinery in Cartagena as they can in Venezuela, according to El Nacional, a Venezuelan daily. A ranking published by Hays Oil and Gas, a recruitment agency, put the average annual salary for oil-industry professionals in Colombia at $100,300. In Venezuela it is $50,000. From Calgary Mr Pereira says he is seeing a “second wave” of emigration that began a couple of years ago, of young professionals with five or six years’ experience. “As soon as they get some significant knowledge, they’re leaving,” he says. “The company, and the country, is heading for a disaster.”

Venezuela’s oil diaspora: Brain haemorrhage | The Economist

The MasterMetals Blog

July 16, 2014

More troubles at #Barrick: CEO to step down on sept 15th- No replacement yet

CONCLUSION: Jamie Sokalski CEO of Barrick will be stepping down effective sept 15th. No replacement has been announced yet. This is a surprising announcement. Could it be a prelude to splitting the company as some speculate? Or a disagreement on strategy with the Chairman John Thornton? Interesting that the company has two co-Presidents now.
More later, in the meantime stock likely to trade sideways till we hear more specific news. Company is due to report its 2Q earnings on July 30th.
Barrick Announces New Executive Management Structure
2014-07-16 13:20:27.971 GMT
Barrick Announces New Executive Management Structure
TORONTO, ONTARIO -- (Marketwired) -- 07/16/14 --   The Board of
Directors of Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE: ABX)(TSX: ABX) (Barrick or the "company") today unveiled a new executive management structure that will enable the company to meet the distinct demands and challenges of the mining industry in the 21st century.
Kelvin Dushnisky, currently Senior Executive Vice President responsible for Corporate and Government Affairs and Chairman of African Barrick Gold plc, and Jim Gowans, currently Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, will be appointed Co-Presidents with overall responsibility for execution of the company's strategic priorities and operating plans. This model reflects the interconnected nature, and strategic importance of jointly managing day-to-day mining operations and the company's relationships with host governments, local communities and other external stakeholders. As Co-Presidents, Messrs. Dushnisky and Gowans will be responsible for the seamless execution of both functions at all times.
Ammar Al-Joundi will be promoted to Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer and will also work closely with the Chairman on the development and execution of strategic initiatives.
Darian Rich will become Executive Vice President, Talent Management, a new position that reflects the critical requirement that any company seeking to be the leader in its field must attract, retain and develop exceptional people.
In conjunction with this restructuring, President and Chief Executive Officer Jamie Sokalsky will be stepping down effective September 15, 2014. In the interim, Mr. Sokalsky will assist in facilitating a smooth transition to the new leadership structure.
"These structural changes put an even greater emphasis on operational excellence, and will accelerate our portfolio optimization and cost reduction initiatives, while fostering a partnership culture both inside the company and externally," said Chairman John Thornton.
"Internally, that means our people will be financially invested for the long-term in Barrick's success, and personally committed to a culture of teamwork that balances individual and collective responsibility and accountability. Externally it means building enduring partnerships with the key stakeholders who are central to our success, including long-term investors, host governments, local communities and NGOs."
"On behalf of the entire Barrick team, I would like to thank Jamie for his many contributions to the development and success of the company over 20 years," added Mr. Thornton. "The changes we are announcing today build on the operating model that Jamie and his team implemented over the past year, setting the stage for us to move forward as a nimble, more versatile company focused on shareholder returns."
During his tenure as CEO, Mr. Sokalsky introduced a strategy to prioritize returns and free cash flow over production growth and led a company-wide portfolio optimization program. He also spearheaded successful initiatives to reduce costs and strengthen the company's balance sheet.
"I'm fortunate to have worked with so many great people over my career at Barrick and I'm particularly proud of what we have been able to accomplish over the past two years with the support and dedication of the entire Barrick team," said Mr. Sokalsky. "It is now time for the next phase of the company's development. I believe our new management structure will allow Barrick to address successfully the key challenges facing the mining industry today, and in turn, will position the company to deliver superior returns to its shareholders in the future."

July 14, 2014

#Lundin to buy Freeport's #Candelaria #copper mine with Franco-Nevada's help $FCX $FNV

Globe reporting that LUN will partner with FNV on the Canderlaria mine purchase for >$2 bln.

Canada's Lundin Mining Corp. is emerging as the front-runner to buy a major Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. copper mine in Chile, sources familiar with the matter said.
Toronto-headquartered Lundin would pay more than $2-billion for the Candelaria mine, according to people familiar with the current proposal. It would partner with Franco-Nevada Corp., which would pay up to $1-billion for a stream of the mine's future gold production, the sources said.

The base-metals miner has been hunting for a copper acquisition for more than two years. Its chief executive officer Paul Conibear told The Globe and Mail in April, 2013, that assets with at least a 10-year mine life and capable of producing some 50,000 tonnes of copper per year would be ideal.
At the time, Mr. Conibear said the company had a strong balance sheet, no debt and has been on the lookout for the right deals for the last year and a half.
If Lundin's proposal succeeds, the Chilean mine would boost Lundin's copper production significantly.
The interest in copper assets comes after a tumultuous few months for the red metal, used in construction and power generation. It dropped below $3 (U.S.) a pound on fears that China's slowing economy would weaken demand, though has since rebounded and is trading around $3.25.
Lundin produces copper, zinc, nickel and lead from mines in Europe, Africa and the United States. The company has partnerships with Arizona-based Freeport on the Tenke Fungurume copper mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as a refinery in Finland.
During the commodity boom a few years ago, Lundin tried to merge with fellow Canadian miner Inmet Mining Corp. before Inmet was taken over last year by First Quantum Minerals Ltd. It also fended off a hostile takeover attempt by Equinox Minerals Ltd. in 2011, which was later taken over by Barrick Gold Corp.
Lundin has since bought a small copper and nickel mine in Michigan.
Freeport, one of the largest copper companies in the world, has been moving into the U.S. oil and gas market and has been selling assets to pay down its hefty debt load. The miner recently sold its Eagle Ford shale assets to Canada's Encana Corp. for $3.1-billion.
Freeport had been aiming to announce the sale of Candelaria by mid year, one source said. But the company's process has been delayed because it is waiting to hear from the mine's minority owner Japan's Sumitomo Corp., which holds a 20-per-cent stake in the Chilean mine.
Barrick Gold's former CEO Aaron Regent had also expressed an interest in Candelaria, the sources said. Mr. Regent is looking to build a new mining company and has been on the hunt for assets through his investment firm Magris Resources Inc. It is not known whether Mr. Regent or another company will top Lundin's proposal.
Last year, Mr. Regent teamed up with two senior mining companies and private equity firm Blackstone to buy Glencore PLC's Las Bambas copper project. But his bid fell through when one of the miners backed out, one source said. The project was eventually sold to a Chinese consortium for nearly $6-billion.
A spokesman for Freeport said the company doesn't comment on speculation. Lundin, Franco-Nevada and Magris declined comment


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