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April 28, 2014

Enough #Gold To Restore the Classical Gold Standard

Does the US Treasury own enough gold to return to a gold-redeemable
dollar at the current price of gold?

Yes, assuming that they have what
they say they do. At a market price of $1600 per fine Troy oz. (to
choose a recently realized round number) the US government’s 261.5m
ounces of gold are worth $418.4b. Current required bank reserves are
only $83b. Looked at another way, $418.4b is 19.9 percent of current M1
(the sum of currency and checking account balances), a more than
healthy reserve ratio by historical standards. Combined with the
likelihood that US citizens’ hedging demand for gold will shrink by more
than banks’ reserve demand will grow with larger real demand for M1
balances, I expect that the denationalization and remonetization of the
US bullion stock at the current price would allow the US economy to
export some excess gold. There will be a small transitional windfall
for US citizens, getting imported goods and services in exchange for
excess gold.

Published March
13, 2012

See the whole article here: Enough Gold To Restore the Classical Gold Standard

April 2, 2014

#China’s #Cofco cements agribusiness ambitions with $1.5bn #Noble deal #AgriBusiness @FT

Under the deal, Cofco – or China National Cereals, Oil and Foodstuffs Corp – will take a 51 per cent stake in Noble Agri from Noble Group in an all-cash transaction. The deal values Noble Agri’s equity at 1.15 times 2014 book value.

Read the article online here:  China’s Cofco cements agribusiness ambitions with $1.5bn Noble deal -


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